The student will write projects based on Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, taking into account grammatical bases, the organization and structuring of ideas, the expression of own and other authors' points of view and positions, in order to contribute to solve current problems related to their professional and sociocultural context. 


 According to the curricular design strategy established by the CGUTyP, the competencies are disaggregated in two performance levels: Competency Units and Capabilities. The current subjects contribute to the achievement of the competency at the levels described in I and II: 

 HIGH-LEVEL OUTCOME: Communicate feelings, thoughts, knowledge, experiences, ideas, reflections and opinions, in a clear and detailed way, on concrete and abstract topics in their professional and sociocultural context, according to level C1 of the European Reference Framework, to sustain and propose improvements in organizations, and in that way to contribute responsibly to socio-cultural development. 

This is the new course of the first quarter of your major.

Learning to express orally and in written form.